Talking About God: Honest Conversations About Spirituality [6 Stories of Transformed Lives]

Engage in honest conversations about God

...Including the Really tough ones.

We invite you into the pages of this book, to re-walk the journeys of real people, with whom we had real conversations, about a real God.

Jen. Yash. Eric. Maya. Jake. Lacey.

Meet Jen.

How can my friend feel the presence of God at a heart level? In Cheri’s conversation with Jen, she shifts from a cerebral place with God to being in a heart place with God.

Meet Yash.

How do I dialogue about Jesus’ claim as the only way for salvation? In Steve’s conversation with Yash, he moves from thinking this belief in Jesus is far too exclusive to realizing that this invitation from our Creator is radically inclusive.


Meet Eric.

My friend is struggling with same-sex attraction. How do I discuss sexuality in a way that honors him yet holds to my convictions? In Steve’s conversation with Eric, we see that the intersection between our sexuality and our spirituality is so interconnected that how we engage it is vital to our sense of well-being and connectedness to God.

Meet Maya.

I know a few people who battle the darkness of depression and anxiety. How do I help my friend understand that she is of great value to God? Cheri is transparent with her own past, and tenderly shows Maya that God notices and cares for her, more than she could ever imagine. This is the heartbeat of our Heavenly Father, but how do I make sure God's heart comes through in my conversations about God? 


Meet Jake.

What about the person who thinks he is too far gone—that God surely couldn’t forgive him? In talking with Steve, Jake experiences how God’s grace is the most powerful when we are the most broken.


Meet Lacey

My friend sees herself as a good person who doesn't need God. How do I explain the reality of our sinful nature without insulting my friends? Cheri and Lacey engage in the slow and difficult process that moves them from the idea of trying to save ourselves to learning to surrender to God’s power to save instead.